A downloadable tool

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  1. Download the zipFile
  2. Extract the file in your godot project folder
  3. Open Godot> Open your project > Go under Project> Project Settings> Plugins> Enable BeautifyComments

How to use it

You just start a comment like you normally do in Godot with "#" , the addon recognizes that. The second character must be one of the following: ! £ $ | $ % & / ( ) = ? ^ @ < > - + * .

This charter is coing to be repeated and inglobate your comment inside. So basically just write your comment and press enter or change line, it will autodetect it and format like in the example below

ex. comment syntax #-This is a comment
Result: #--------------------------This is a comment--------------------------

Story Behind It

I'm a gamedev and I'm still learning to use Godot Engine, still learning gamedev and coding in general. So I had the need to have an easier and faster way to make better comments and have them look tidy Looked around and found the work of @rainlizard /GDScriptMacros watched his plugin and learned a lot, he as a very clever approach to it. So last night I made it my self :). Surly there's space to improve it

My youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/endritDevYellowHatGames
Site: https://yellowhatgames.com/


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Comment Beautifier v0_1.zip 1.7 kB
CommentBeautifier Godot4.x.zip 1.6 kB


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GREAT JOB! good style of comments and quick to use